March 9 Reflections

The Messiah’s Authority and Sovereignty

  • Why would Jesus quote Isaiah 61:1–2 before beginning his healing

    ministry? (Luke 4)

  • Why does Jesus repeatedly tell his followers that the “Kingdom has


  • What part does faith play in the miracles that Jesus performs among the

    outcasts of society?

  • Why would Jesus heal so many, but not heal his cousin John the Baptist?

  • Consider: The healing miracles that Jesus performs were visible

    evidence of a spiritual truth, that the long-awaited Messiah had

    arrived to restore order to a disordered creation. The Jews knew

    throughout their history that the Messiah would right everything that

    had been frustrated and distorted since the fall of mankind in the

    garden. He would have dominion over all of creation including the

    effects of the curse upon mankind. However, Jesus did not heal

    everyone. He makes it clear in Luke 4 that in some towns he didn’t

    heal the sick. Jesus even chose not to rescue his cousin. Why?

    Because the mission of Jesus was to usher in the Kingdom and

    claim victory through the cross. Revealing his identity and

    accomplishing His mission for the world to believe proved to be the

    goal of the incarnation. Therefore, we can still rejoice in our

    sufferings when the Lord chooses not to heal, because He has

    reconciled us to Himself through the life, death, and resurrection of



March 10 Reading


March 8 Reading