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Our Team
Our staff is here to help and support you.
Feel free to reach out.
Church office hours:
Monday - Thursday | 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Friday | 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Kelly Wheat
Senior Pastor
Huey Dedmon
Associate Pastor of Senior Adults, Congregational Care,
and Operations
PJ Keen
Associate Pastor of
Children's Ministries
Kelsey Lena
Director of
Middle School Ministries
Austin Mathis
Associate Pastor of
High School Ministries
Michael Gibson
Interim Pastor of Music
Contact Us
Do you have questions about Brandon Baptist Church or our ministries? Ready to take your next step? We’re here to answer any questions you have or help with a need.
Church office hours:
Monday - Thursday | 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Friday | 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
God is the one who made and sustains the entire universe. He exists as a Trinity of three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who dwell in absolute harmony as one holy God. He reveals Himself to the world in general through His creation, in particular through His word, and in perfection through His son, Jesus.
From creation God loved and desired to have a relationship with man, but man sinned against God. The sin of man brought death and disorder into God’s perfect creation. At just the right time, God sent Jesus, His one and only Son whom He loved, into the world. Born to a virgin, the second person of the Trinity took on the flesh of a man. He lived a perfect life which qualified Him to die as a sacrifice for sins. He was raised from the dead and lives today so that all who believe in Him can and will be saved from the curse of sin. Soon He will return and set all of creation back in order and receive all believers into eternal paradise.
A person becomes a Christian when they repent from their sins and believe in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. To be a Christian is to be a follower of Jesus. To follow Jesus one must trust Him with all that they are. They must believe with all their heart that His life, death, burial, and resurrection is sufficient to take away all our sins past, present, and future.
Just as a wedding ring is a sign that identifies those who are married, Baptism is the sign that identifies those who are believers. It is a picture of the believer being united with Christ in His death and His resurrection. When the believer is immersed in the water, it is a picture of the death of their old selves, and when they are raised up out of the water, it is a picture of them being raised to walk in a new life. While baptism is not a requirement for salvation, it is a requirement for biblical obedience.
It is important for believers to be members of a local church for three reasons. First, the church is a community where Christians grow and are equipped to go and tell others about the gospel of Christ. Second, when a person comes to faith in Christ they receive gifts, spiritual gifts, that the Lord intends for them to employ in the ministry of a local church. Third, as believers unify in worship and service to the Lord, they are the body of Christ in the world today.
What do we believe?
Discover More
Ready to discover all of our beliefs? Click below to view the Baptist Faith and Message (2000) of the Southern Baptist Convention.