Ministries for You and Your Family
Discover how our ministries lead you to discipleship with Jesus.
Jesus invites us into community and service. Discover how you and your family can find your place at Brandon Baptist Church.
Children & Students
We partner with you, the parent, to lead and shape the next generation’s understanding of God’s love for them — from preschool, elementary school, and high school. Discover our safe and fun weekly gatherings, camps, and other special events by clicking below.
Adult Ministries
Small groups are the primary place where we connect with others, care for one another, grow as disciples, and live out the mission of God together in the world. For more information about specific adult ministries, click below.
Music Ministry
The music ministry joins together weekly to lead our church family into worship during our Sunday morning service. If you’d like to join our choir, play in the orchestra or band, or serve in technical ministries, click below.
We live in our community as witnesses, telling people about Jesus everywhere we go — starting in Brandon, our state, our nation, and to the ends of the earth as Jesus commands in Acts 1:8. To learn more and to discover how you can live missionaly click below.
Care Ministries
Serving and being served by our care ministries is a vital expression of our discipleship to Jesus. Care ministries provide an opportunity to practice the teachings of Jesus by walking alongside individuals who may be experiencing hardship, loneliness, or crisis. To learn more and discover how you can find help, click below.